British Culture

Title: British Culture
Date: 07.09.2016
Reviewer: Nur Gedik Bal
1) Availability of Membership/Subscription (Phone, email, social media)

2) Whether registration is required for the access to the materials, worksheets etc.
Registration to the website is not necessary. However, to access certain things like ‘mykelime’ which included vocabulary practices, one should have a portfolio account, so he should register.
3) Authorship (Contact/ information about the author/institution/website owner)
British Culture Language Schools
4) Site description and content (Short description of website, purpose, language skills, materials and activities, learners proficiency level, age )
The website provides information about the programs that British Culture Language Schools offer. There is free vocabulary practice if one is registered.
5) Up-to-datedness (Updated time and current links)

6) Accuracy (Accurate information, bibliography, language accuracy)
The language of the website is Turkish.
7) Presentation (Organization/navigation, user-friendliness, technical aspects, graphics, advertisement)
The website is simple and organized. There are advertisements on the website.
8) Usefulness (For teachers / students – in class or out class activity)
It can be useful for people who are searching for language courses. They can use the website to learn more about the courses and facilities provided by British Culture.
9) Overall rating

1 Very Poor (Not recommended)
2 Poor (Not appropriate)
3 Adequate (Acceptable with adaptation)
4 Good (Appropriate for use)
5 Excellent (Highly recommended)
1 2 3 4 5