
Title: Eba
Url: http://www.eba.gov.tr/
Date: 11.9.2016
Reviewer: Behice Ceyda Cengiz
1) Availability of Membership/Subscription (Phone, email, social media)

2) Whether registration is required for the access to the materials, worksheets etc.
One can view a great deal of content without registration. But login is needed for uploading some of the e-books, for content creation (İçerik üretimi) and for sharing and archiving EBA document (EBA dosya).
3) Authorship (Contact/ information about the author/institution/website owner)

The names of the people uploading the videos are given.
4) Site description and content (Short description of website, purpose, language skills, materials and activities, learners proficiency level, age )

The website covers all, if not all, of the subjects for all grade levels. For English lessons, there are e-books, some of which are download free and some of which can be downloaded only by teachers. There are videos, audio recordings, visuals, e-documents about different topics. By using content creation and EBA document, teachers and students can create, share and store materials online.
5) Up-to-datedness (Updated time and current links)

6) Accuracy (Accurate information, bibliography, language accuracy)
The language used on the website is accurate. No bibliography is provided.
7) Presentation (Organization/navigation, user-friendliness, technical aspects, graphics, advertisement)

It is a user friendly website. It is easy to navigate and find what you are looking.
8) Usefulness (For teachers / students – in class or out class activity)
It can be useful for sharing documents among language teachers from different part of Turkey. If the number of videos, visuals, e-documents, etc. are increased, the website can serve to be a good resource site for language learners/teachers. The materials can be used for self-study outside the classroom.
9) Overall rating

1 Very Poor (Not recommended)
2 Poor (Not appropriate)
3 Adequate (Acceptable with adaptation)
4 Good (Appropriate for use)
5 Excellent (Highly recommended)
1 2 3 4 5