Date: 11.9.2016
Reviewer: Behice Ceyda Cengiz
1) Availability of Membership/Subscription (Phone, email, social media)

2) Whether registration is required for the access to the materials, worksheets etc.
Registration is required for accessing the tests. It is not necessary for downloading other documents (e.g. exams, annual plans, etc.)
3) Authorship (Contact/ information about the author/institution/website owner)

The name and e-mail of the person who is responsible for content in the website is given. But there is no single author generally. There are many teachers or educators who contribute to the website by sharing documents, whose names can be seen in the documents mostly.
4) Site description and content (Short description of website, purpose, language skills, materials and activities, learners proficiency level, age )

It is a very extensive website that addresses topics or issues related to any grade level or any school type including vocational schools, open education, etc. The website also has a blog and forum where educators across Turkey can exchange ideas about their subject matter and share materials. There is ASK column where students of any grade level can ask questions about anything related to their educational life. In the TEST column, one can access various tests for different subjects by logging in the system. One distinguishing feature of the website is that teachers / educators from different schools upload materials (e.g. their own exam questions) and share with others.
5) Up-to-datedness (Updated time and current links)

The website is very updated. The links are working.
6) Accuracy (Accurate information, bibliography, language accuracy)
The language used on the website is accurate. No bibliography is provided.
7) Presentation (Organization/navigation, user-friendliness, technical aspects, graphics, advertisement)

It can be considered a user friendly website. It is easy to navigate but there is too much content in a single page.
8) Usefulness (For teachers / students – in class or out class activity)
The website can be good for keeping up with what is going on in the education arena. The website is very live and includes so much updated information. Among this rich body of information, a language teacher can mostly use the materials and tests sections. The materials shared by other teachers for different grade levels can be interesting for language teacher while students can go for the test section to practice what they have learnt in the classroom.
9) Overall rating

1 Very Poor (Not recommended)
2 Poor (Not appropriate)
3 Adequate (Acceptable with adaptation)
4 Good (Appropriate for use)
5 Excellent (Highly recommended)
1 2 3 4 5