İlkokul İ

Title: İlkokul İ
Date: 11.9.2016
Reviewer: Behice Ceyda Cengiz
1) Availability of Membership/Subscription (Phone, email, social media)

2) Whether registration is required for the access to the materials, worksheets etc.
Registration is not required. All of the materials are for free.
3) Authorship (Contact/ information about the author/institution/website owner)

There is no single author of the website. Teachers can upload their materials on the website.
4) Site description and content (Short description of website, purpose, language skills, materials and activities, learners proficiency level, age )

It is a website for primary school English lessons. Teachers can find here mainly worksheets, exam samples, powerpoint presentations, annual plans, flashcards, gamecards, etc. All of these materials are for free. Teachers can also put their own materials on the website.
5) Up-to-datedness (Updated time and current links)

The website is updated. Some of the links do not yield any content.
6) Accuracy (Accurate information, bibliography, language accuracy)
The language used on the website is accurate. The authors of the materials can be identified.
7) Presentation (Organization/navigation, user-friendliness, technical aspects, graphics, advertisement)

It can be considered a user friendly website. It is easy to navigate and find what you are looking for.
8) Usefulness (For teachers / students – in class or out class activity)
The website is very useful for primary school language teachers, who can choose among a wealth of materials on the website. For second, third and fourth graders, most of the units are covered with lots of worksheets, flashcards, exam samples, etc. Teachers can use these rightaway or with a few adaptations easily.
9) Overall rating

1 Very Poor (Not recommended)
2 Poor (Not appropriate)
3 Adequate (Acceptable with adaptation)
4 Good (Appropriate for use)
5 Excellent (Highly recommended)
1 2 3 4 5