Title: Edmodo
Url: http://www.edmodo.com
Date: 11.9.2016
Reviewer: Behice Ceyda Cengiz
1) Availability of Membership/Subscription (Phone, email, social media)
2) Whether registration is required for the access to the materials, worksheets etc.
Registration is required for creating a classroom in Edmodo.
3) Authorship (Contact/ information about the author/institution/website owner)
Since it is an online classroom, the teacher and all of the students become the authors.
4) Site description and content (Short description of website, purpose, language skills, materials and activities, learners proficiency level, age )
Edmodo is a platform through which a language teacher can create an online classroom. The teacher can create groups, send posts to the classroom members, upload documents, give assignments and polls. The students can use the platform for writing activities, interacting with each other, uploading homeworks, etc. The website, therefore, serves to extend learning to outside of the classroom and promote student to student and student to teacher interaction anytime and anywhere. The website can be used with any student profile. In Edmodo, there are varied groups to which language teacher and students can have access. Other groups mostly have very interesting and relevant content, which can be easily adapted to language classroom.
5) Up-to-datedness (Updated time and current links)
The website is updated frequently. Numerous people in different topic groups post comments and a member of Edmodo can see these comments if he/she follows these topic groups.
6) Accuracy (Accurate information, bibliography, language accuracy)
The language used on the website is accurate. No bibliography is provided.
7) Presentation (Organization/navigation, user-friendliness, technical aspects, graphics, advertisement)
It is a user friendly website. It is easy to navigate and find what you are looking for.
8) Usefulness (For teachers / students – in class or out class activity)
The website is good for practicing writing skills outside the classroom. The language teacher can give discussion prompts or upload videos/reading materials, etc. for promoting discussion among learners, assign them certain roles (e.g. monitoring the discussion, etc.) and get them to interact simultaneously. The website can be used for uploading documents before the classroom so that students can come to class prepared (as in flipped classroom). Other than these, other teacher-created game links, materials, resources, other websites about language learning, etc. can be shared on Edmodo. Additionally, when the teacher has a query in mind, he/she can share it with other teachers and find answers. It is also possible to add other teachers to one’s network in Edmodo.
9) Overall rating
1 Very Poor (Not recommended)
2 Poor (Not appropriate)
3 Adequate (Acceptable with adaptation)
4 Good (Appropriate for use)
5 Excellent (Highly recommended)
1 2 3 4 5