Application Form

FP7 Marie Curie “Revitalizing EFL Teachers’ Professional Development through Innovative Programs in Europe” Career Integration Grant

The Best Activity in Teaching English Competition


Information about the Teacher

Teacher's name :

Teacher's email :

Name of the current institution the teacher is working:

Grade level(s) the teacher is teaching:

Year(s) of experience as an English teacher:

The category the teacher is applying for:

Information about the Activity

Primary Category

Students’ English Proficiency Level

Students’ Age Group:

Students’ Grade Level:

Purpose of the Activity (450 characters maximum):


Class size (Ideal classroom size suggested for the activity. If the application category is the crowded classrooms, the target class size has to be at least 40):

Group size (If there are groups in the activity, please specify the number of students you suggest.):

Materials Needed (200 characters maximum):


Technology Needed (200 characters maximum):


Brief Description of the Activity (2500 characters maximum):
Please include the following in the description section:
1) Any warm-up activities that you recommend prior to this activity
2) Procedures/guidelines for the activity
3) Any prerequisites (e.g., structures, vocabulary) students need to know in order to fulfill this activity
4) Ways to check if the activity achieved its outcomes or not (How can the teacher make sure that the activity served its purpose?)


Baska Ingilizce ögretmenlerinin faydalanmasi için En Iyi Ingilizce Etkinlik Yarismasina gonderdigim etkinligin/etkinliklerin, tarafıma herhangi bir telif hakkı ücreti ödenmeksizin websitesi uzerinden diğer kişilerle paylaşılacak olmasını gayrikabili rücu, kabul ve taahhüt ediyorum.
Bu yarışmaya gönderdiğim etkinliğin/etkinliklerin başka bir kaynaktan alınmadığını ve özgün nitelikte olduğunu taahhüt ediyorum.
Basvuru kosullarini okudum ve kabul ediyorum.

Yukaridaki maddeleri okudum ve kabul ediyorum.  

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